Faculty Departure

1. Resignation Process
  • Submit resignation letter to department chair by April 15th or as soon as possible.
  • Distribute letter to: School Dean, Department chair(s), Committee Chairperson(s), Sponsored Programs and Research Compliance (SPARC), Research and Cost Accounting (RCA), and Human Resources.
2. Types of Departures
  • Retirement: Discuss post-retirement resource use with school dean.
  • Resignation: Address any special arrangements in the letter.
  • Death: Department handles termination form and notifies SPARC.
3. Staff, Students, and Trainees
  • Approve all timesheets and ensure proper reassignment or termination of:
    • Undergraduate and Graduate Students
    • Postdoctoral Research Associates
    • Staff
    • Academic/Research Visitors
  • Obtain and certify effort reports from RCA.
4. Teaching Responsibilities
  • Notify department chair to replace instructors for classes.
  • Work with Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies dean for graduate students' degree completion.
  • Notify thesis committees and post all grades before departure.
5. Laboratory Cleanup
  • Properly dispose of or relocate:
    • Chemicals and reagents
    • Biohazardous wastes
    • Radioactive materials
    • Controlled substances
    • Gas cylinders
  • Clean and disinfect laboratory spaces.
  • Contact Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) for guidance and disposal services.
6. Regulatory Compliance
  • Animal Research (IACUC):
    • Inform Compliance Administrator and Animal Resources Facility Manager 30-60 days prior to departure.
    • Arrange for protocol termination or transfer.
  • Human Subjects (IRB):
    • Inform compliance administrator 30-60 days prior to departure.
    • Close out or transfer protocols as appropriate.
  • Other Biohazards/rDNA:
    • Inform Compliance Administrator and EHS 30-60 days prior to departure.
    • Follow proper disposal or transfer procedures.
7. Research Records
  • Retain research data and notebooks for at least five years.
  • Arrange transfer of data with Vice Provost for Research approval.
  • Certify final effort reports with Research and Cost Accounting.
  • Resolve any pending Material Transfer Agreements.
8. Grants and Contracts
  • Discuss disposition of each grant/contract with department chair.
  • For transferable grants:
    • Notify sponsor and new institution.
    • Complete institutional approval form.
    • Submit required reports and resolve outstanding commitments.
  • For non-transferable grants:
    • Submit final reports and resolve outstanding commitments.
  • Work with SPARC and RCA to ensure proper closeout.
9. Equipment and Supplies
  • Inventory all equipment and supplies with department administrator.
  • For transferable equipment:
    • Initiate transfer request through proper channels (department chair, dean, Property Accounting, VPR).
    • Complete necessary documentation for approved transfers.
  • For non-transferable equipment:
    • Ensure proper disposition within the university.
  • Negotiate transfer or retention of lab supplies and consumables with department chair.
10. Intellectual Property
  • Contact Office of Technology Transfer to address patents and licenses.
  • Update contact information for future correspondence.
11. Financial Matters
  • Discuss disposition of gift funds with department chair.
  • Return unspent startup or designated funds to funding sources.
12. Administrative Tasks
  • Redirect or close Rice email account.
  • Provide forwarding address and contact information.
  • Complete Rice Check-out Form (return university property, settle outstanding balances).
  • Ensure final expenditures are posted and cleared.
  • Update department listings and lab information signs.
  • Turn in purchasing card and complete any outstanding expense reports.

Note: For detailed information on any specific procedure, please refer to the full Departing Faculty Procedures document.