Tips and Cheatsheets

Navigating iO
Person Numbers

Person Numbers are unique ID numbers assigned to individuals in iO. They allow us to distinguish one person from another and track their information throughout iO. An individual's Person Number is also used as their Faculty ID in Interfolio.

Assignment Numbers

Assignment Numbers provide us with information about an individual's various roles and assignments at Rice. They consist of a work relationship indicator (E for employee, C for contingent worker, and N for non-worker) followed by the individual's unique Person Number, and if an individual has multiple assignments within a specific work relationship, the assignment number will be followed by a dash and a number to differentiate between the initial assignment and the subsequent ones.

  • Ex:
    • Professor Smith (Person Number 5555) may hold the following positions: N5555 (Professor Emeritus), E5555 (Lecturer), and C5555 (Adjunct Research Professor).
    • Professor Martinez (Person Number 77777), who has a joint appointment, could have the following positions: E77777 (Henry Fonda Professor of Acting), E77777-2 (Professor, Department of Set Design), and E77777-3 (Department Chair, Theater Arts).
Position Numbers

Position Numbers are unique to each assignment, tied to the budget, and carry the characteristics or "DNA" of that position.

  • Budgeted position numbers are assigned to permanent roles. These numbers consist of a six-digit code followed by a dash and a suffix (e.g., 316151-00).
  • Pooled position numbers are assigned to short-term roles. These numbers consist of a job code followed by a dash and the org number (e.g., 95102-81000).

Please read this job aid for more information, and if you encounter any issues, please contact VPAA for assistance.

Assignment Details
Assignment Status

There are four assignment status options:

Status Meaning
Active - No Payroll Job is active, but not currently paid (e.g., summer break, semester off)
Active - Payroll Eligible Job is active, currently receiving or eligible for salary or one-time pays
Inactive - No Payroll Job has been terminated
Inactive - Payroll Eligible Used for final payouts on terminated jobs
Assignment Category

Assignment Categories determine the approval workflow for actions. VPAA only receives actions for the following: T/TT Faculty: Benefits Eligible, NTT Faculty/Promotable: Benefits Eligible, NTT Faculty: Benefits Eligible, NTT Faculty: Non-benefits Eligible, Retiree: Emeritus Faculty, Retiree: Faculty, and Adjunct and Unpaid Faculty.

If you choose an assignment category that is not listed above, the action may be approved without proper review.

Full-time Equivalency (FTE)

Full-time equivalency (FTE) is a way to measure an employee's workload relative to a full-time schedule. For part-time instructional NTT faculty, it is especially important to accurately record the working hours, FTE, number of courses, total classroom hours, and total office hours. Please refer to the chart below (based on a three-credit hour course) for general guidance when making adjustments:

Classes per year Working hours/week FTE
1 6.7 0.17
2 13.6 0.34
3 20.0 0.50*
4 26.7 0.67
5 33.4 0.84
6+ 40.0 1.00

* From this point forward, the individual is considered eligible for benefits.

Note: Select "No" for the "Synchronize to Position" field to edit Working Hours, which controls the FTE.

Faculty administrative roles have their own guidelines regarding FTE, so be sure to follow our chart. Entering 4 hours will result in an FTE of 0.1, while 0.4 hours will result in an FTE of 0.01.

Salary Basis

Here are the Salary Basis that apply to faculty and how they are used:

Salary Basis Abbrev Meaning Used for Appt Dates Salary stated as 1
9 month over 12 month Salaried (Faculty) 9/12 9-month earnings paid over 12 months most TTTs and benefits eligible NTTs July 1 - June 30 annual
9 month over 9 month Salaried (Faculty) 9/9 9-month earnings paid over 9 months non-benefits eligible NTTs2 on at least 1 year appt; some TTTs grandfathered in Can be either July 1 - June 30 or Aug 16 - May 15 semi-monthly
Temporary Salaried (Faculty)3 1 sem earnings for specified time period only non-benefits eligible NTTs2 on one semester or less appointment Aug 16 - Dec 31 or Jan 1 - May 15 or other summer semester/block semi-monthly
12 month over 12 month Salaried (Faculty) 12/12 12-month earnings paid over 12 months Research Professor ranks; some additional administrative appointments generally July 1 - June 30 annual

1Salary as stated in Compensation Details

2Non-benefits eligible non-tenure track faculty (NTTs) may also be paid through individual compensation (ICP). However, all benefits-eligible NTTs must be paid a salary.

3When working with Temporary Salaried (Faculty) salaries, it is important to:

  1. Set begin and end dates that do not include summer pay periods to avoid overpayment during the summer.
  2. Specify their salary based on the semi-monthly amount, rather than annual, semester, or monthly amounts.emester, or monthly amounts.
Faculty Deferred Pay

Most benefits-eligible faculty are on a 9/12 salary basis (unless grandfathered into 9/9). The chart below explains their deferred pay schedule:

Date Range Payments
July 1 Most new faculty appointments begin
July 1 - Aug. 15 Advance on fall semester pay
Aug. 16 - Dec. 31 Fall semester (4.5 months)
Jan. 1 - May 15 Spring semester (4.5 months)
May 16 - June 30 Deferred pay from spring semester

Pay adjustments for benefits-eligible faculty should only be processed twice a year: on July 1 and January 1. Faculty members who receive summer research salaries also get supplemental pay in addition to their academic year salary.