Appointments and Promotion
Teaching Professor

This document is meant to provide answers to frequently asked questions regarding the university’s policies and procedures related to the research professor rank. This is NOT a complete explanation of all the policies and procedures that apply to teaching professors, and faculty should reference the relevant policies and procedures for additional information.

1. Overview

This policy (Policy Number: 201, Suffix: D) outlines the procedures for appointments and promotions in the Teaching Professor ranks at Rice University. It applies to all Rice University teaching faculty governed by Policy 201.

2. Ranks and General Criteria

Rank Key Criteria
Assistant Teaching Professor
  • Shows promise as a teacher
  • Knowledge of recent evidence-based pedagogical practices
  • Potential to become a pedagogical leader
  • Willingness to perform service at department level
Eligibility Criteria for Reappointment
  • Have a record of consistently excellent teaching, which may be demonstrated with a combination of teaching (such as classroom, laboratory, studio, etc.) and advising
  • Show knowledge and continued application of evidence-based pedagogical practices in the discipline
  • Show contributions at department level to improve pedagogy, demonstrated with curriculum development and/or innovative pedagogical practices
  • Demonstrate service at the department level
Associate Teaching Professor
  • Record of sustained excellent teaching
  • Application of evidence-based pedagogical practices
  • Professional activity bringing current knowledge to classroom
  • Excellent service at multiple levels (department, school, university)
Eligibility Criteria for Reappointment: For reappointment, teaching professors must have a record that demonstrates fulfillment of the criteria for the original appointment.
Full Teaching Professor
  • Sustained excellent teaching at associate level
  • Professional activity bringing current knowledge to classroom
  • Evidence of excellent pedagogical standing in discipline
  • Impact on department's pedagogical enterprise
  • Excellent service at department, school, and university levels
Eligibility Criteria for Reappointment: For reappointment, teaching professors must have a record that demonstrates fulfillment of the criteria for the original appointment.

3. Appointment and Promotion Process

3.1 General Steps

  1. Department/unit review and vote
  2. Chair/director recommendation to dean
  3. Dean's recommendation to provost
  4. For Associate and Full ranks: Teaching Professor Committee (TPC) review
  5. Provost's final decision

3.2 Timeline

Dossiers are due in early November for appointments starting the following July. New appointments should be presented during the semester preceding the start of the appointment.

3.3 Voting Eligibility

  • Assistant rank: All tenured/tenure-track faculty and all teaching professors
  • Associate rank: All tenured/tenure-track faculty and all full/associate teaching professors
  • Full rank: All tenured/tenure-track faculty and all full teaching professors

4. Dossier Contents

Key components for all ranks (more extensive for higher ranks):

  • Current CV
  • Teaching Statement (2-3 pages)
  • Documentation of Teaching (course list, syllabi, evaluations)
  • Service Statement (1-2 pages)
  • Professional Activities
  • Contributions to Teaching Profession/Rice
  • Honors, Awards, Recognitions
  • Letters of recommendation (internal reviewers, service attestation)

5. Review Process Specifics

5.1 Internal Reviewers

  • Two appointed: one from within department, one from outside
  • Selected by chair/director and dean from suggestions by department and candidate
  • Must maintain strict confidentiality

5.2 Department Review

Considers factors such as:

  • Quality and impact of teaching
  • Influence on pedagogical practice
  • Professional recognition
  • Service contributions
  • Strengthening of department/school/university mission

5.3 Dean's Role

  • Evaluates candidate using established school procedures
  • Writes confidential evaluation letter
  • Forwards dossier to TPC with recommendation

6. Performance Evaluation

  • Conducted annually for all teaching professor ranks
  • Uses multiple indicators, not just student evaluations
  • Documented with written evaluations reviewed by chair/director and dean

7. Reappointment

Requires demonstrated fulfillment of original appointment criteria. Dean issues formal appointment letters specifying duties, dates, and review procedures.

8. Appeals

  • Based on process issues only
  • Must notify Faculty Senate within 30 days of receiving decision
  • Must file appeal within 60 days with Faculty Senate's Appeals and Grievances Committee
  • Committee reviews procedural issues only, not qualifications
  • President makes final decision based on committee's report

9. Important Notes

  • Confidentiality is crucial throughout the entire process
  • Assistant Teaching Professors must be promoted to associate by end of sixth year or be removed from teaching professor ranks
  • External letters may be solicited but are not required
  • Schools must develop and document their specific processes for appointments before considering candidates